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The Role of Packaging in Brand Identity

Packaging in Brand Identity

Competition in the market breeds champions’ This quote aptly describes the relationship between market competition and the emergence of big brands out of it. One of the best ways to keep your Brand above the league is to create a brand identity that not only talks about its brand value and makes it unique, but also attracts consumers to drive sales. Packaging in Brand Identity plays a crucial role as it is one thing that the consumers can perceive and feel before testing the product. This can make or break the brand identity. 

As we are one of the leadingCosmetic and Pharmaceutical PackagingTube manufacturers in India, Here we share the role of packaging in brand identity:

Improves Sales of the Product

Packaging plays an essential role in driving sales. Especially for the brands who prefer marketing more through consumer channels. The Brand need to have an understanding that it is not just selling a product but the selling the ‘next purchase’ by the consumer and an attractive and functional packaging with a quality product is like a cherry on the top of the cake.

Packaging also helps in making the first impression of the product. So it is advisable for brands to consciously choose the packaging . 

Expresses the Brand Identity

Packaging of the brand should be designed cautiously as it reflects the brand’s identity. It not just helps in making a place in the competitive market but also helps in creating its distinct identity.

So, the brand should go for the best grade packaging materials, choose high-quality printing and distinctive design that goes with their brand vibe. It will further enhance the user interaction with the product. 

Protection of the Product

A good packaging not only help in standing strong among the competitions, but it also offers the protection to the main products. High grade packaging prevents the tearing or breaking before the product reaches the end consumer. This way it helps in amplifying the consumer’s confidence in the brand. 

Note: Brands should not compromise with the aesthetic aspect of packaging while improving the packaging quality.

Communicates With the End User

Packaging in brand identity is a crucial step that brands need to be careful about. As one of the important functions of good packaging is communication to end users. It not only tells about the main ingredients, date of expiry, vegan status, certifications but also showcases the transparent nature of the brand that further enhance the consumer trust and satisfaction. 

Here is the list of a few important things to consider while creating Packaging 

The Brand Message is Efficiently Conveyed

Packaging should be crafted in a way that it efficiently portrays the brand’s message so that consumer get the clear idea and make conscious choices.

Colour Scheme and Typography

While designing the packaging for brand identity, colour scheme and typography should match the product and brand’s vibe.

Maintaining Consistency Across Product Lines

Brands should make sure that their identity is carry forwarded in the entire range of products.

Maintain a Functional and Aesthetic Perception

Brands should maintain the balance between the functionality and aesthetic aspect of the packaging, as inclining towards anyone might compromise with the brand identity.


As one of the leading Cosmetic and Pharmaceutical Packaging Tube manufacturers in India, we at Sitons Propack, understands the importance of Packaging in Brand Identity. Through the state-of-art technology, we offer high grade packaging in different shapes and sizes. Brands can choose from 8 Colour Offset Printing, Hot Stamping or 4 Colour Silk Screen Printing as per their needs. The material we use in the packing includes LDPE, HDPE, and EVOH, which are sustainable and easily recyclable

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