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What is Glass Packaging? Types, advantages and Disadvantages 

Glass Packaging

Packaging plays a crucial role when it comes to marketing. An appealable packaging could make the customer buy the product, similarly, an unattractive one could potentially shift your customer to another product. Well, there are many types of packaging available in the market like glass packaging, paper packaging, plastic packaging, and more. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages. Today we will deal with the Glass packaging. 

What is Glass packaging?

It is among the most used types of packaging that is used in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverages. It mainly consists of a glass container (in different shapes and sizes) and a closing lid, that could be of different materials like glass, metal, plastic, or cork. The type of closure is decided as per the material the container holds. For example, an airtight glass container will require a closure with rubber sealing. 

Types of Glass Packaging

It is mainly done in the form of glass jars or bottles that come in different shapes and sizes. Here is a list of a few types:

Economy Round Jars

Economy round jars are one of the most common types of glass jars that you will see at marketplaces. They are round with wide mouths. Mostly used for fruit jams and mayonnaise. 

Paragon Jars

If you have seen tall and lean glass jars in your nearest supermarket, then you would have probably seen paragon jars. They are mostly used for pickles and olives. These types of jars often give a false impression of greater volume. 

French Square Jars

This type of glass jar has four sides that make it perfect for different labelling. They are mainly used in cosmetic packaging or food packaging.

Hex Jars

Manufacturers primarily use this six-sided jar in candles to enhance the aesthetic sense. Apart from this, hex jars find applications in items such as bath salts, dessert jars, and more.

Mason Jars

People built Mason jars out of necessity to store perishable fruits and vegetables. Mason jars have a wide mouth with screws to seal them. But over time they have become quite popular among youth as smoothie jars. 

Straight Sided Jars

Straight-sided jars are among the most used glass packaging as they have virtually no neck, so it makes taking out the inside things easier. It also makes things more visible due to the large surface area. 

Boston round Bottle

Boston round bottles are strong. This makes them perfect for pharmaceuticaland cosmetic usage. Bottles used for eye drops, skincare serums, and more are Boston round bottles. They are available in different colours. 

Glass Packaging: Advantages and Disadvantages

Glass packaging has both pros and cons. Here, we will discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of it.


  • The glass comes from nature

Manufacturers create glass using naturally occurring materials like sand, soda ash, and limestone. The process of making glass does not require any synthetic materials.

  • Recyclable

The glass can be recycled endlessly without any hassle or any degradation in quality. While recycling, it does not create any waste by-products.

  • Reusable

Glass jars and bottles can be reused again and again. All you have to do is just wash it well, and it is good to go as many times. 


  • Higher transportation costs

Glass is heavier than other packing materials like paper and plastic. So, the overall cost of transportation goes up, which further enhances the overall cost of the supply chain. 

  • The manufacturing process is energy-consuming

Manufacturing glass requires higher temperatures. So, this increases the energy cost involved in manufacturing glass. 

  • Breakable 

It is one of the major drawbacks of using glass packaging. It is easily breakable in comparison to other packaging materials available in the market.

Glass Packaging vs Plastic Packaging 

Glass packaging Vs plastic packaging is a tough debate, as the decision should be based on weighing the pros and cons of both materials. Economically, plastic weighs as a better option, but when considering sustainability, glass packaging triumphs over plastic packaging due to its creation from natural materials and its reusability and recyclability.

So, your final decision should be based on your requirements and budget. 


Hopefully, the above-mentioned information will clear all your doubts regarding glass packaging. If you are looking for the best plastic tube manufacturers in India, considerSitons Propack.We are the leading manufacturers of plastic cosmetic and pharmaceutical plastic tubes. We customise tubes in different shapes and sizes and print as per the requirements. LDPE, HDPE, and EVOH are the materials we use in the manufacturing.

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